Heat Pump Targets Won’t be Met Without More Support for Installers, MPs Warn

Ground Source Heat Pumps -installation
(Image credit: Getty Images)

There is a significant risk that the government will not meet its heat pump installation targets due to a lack of qualified tradespeople, MPs have warned.

The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) says the UK’s net-zero carbon target for all homes by 2050 is unlikely to be achieved without the introduction of major changes, such as recruitment incentives for heat pump installers.

The government pledged in its Ten Point Plan in November to install 600,000heat pumpsin homes per year by 2028, but the EAC says it first needs to ensure there are enough certified heat pump installers to meet expected demand.

In the committee’sEnergy Efficiency of Existing Homes(opens in new tab)report, the EAC called on the government to provide a training and retraining programme for installers as part of its forthcoming Heat and Buildings Strategy, due for publication in May.

“The strategy must address the much-needed increase in certified heat pump installers to meet expected demand including through recruitment incentives, with support for apprenticeships and reskilling,” the authors said.

The report also criticised the lack of accredited tradespeople available on theGreen Homes Grant, and said “there is a significant risk that the government will not meet its heat pump installation targets due to a lack of qualified tradespeople”.

(MORE:Government's heat pump plan presents challenges)

Current Targets Won't Meet Net Zero

The EAC has also warned that decarbonising UK homes by 2050 will cost £342bn - significantly above the government's estimates of between £35 to £65bn. Moreover, it says that based on current targets, there could be an 80% reduction in emissions by 2050, but the government is not on track to meet this.

EAC chairman Philip Dunne MP, said: "Realism needs to be injected into the government. A much better understanding of cost, pace, scale and feasibility of skills development is desperately needed for net-zero Britain."

installing an air source heat pump on the exterior of a house

The EAC has called for a national retrofit strategy to be introduced to encourage more heat pump installation training for tradespeople (Image credit: Daikin)

To ensure the UK delivers on this target, it has made a series of recommendations. These include:

Extend the Green Homes Grant

Extending the Green Homes Grant is one of many financial incentives required to help improve the energy efficiency of our homes, the EAC says. Earlier this year, the government cut funding for the grant from March 2021, and reports have circulated the troubled scheme could yet be scrapped in April.

EAC德尔还批评政府ivery of the Green Homes Grant, and says it has “so far signally failed to deliver its targets”.

(MORE:5 ways to fix the Green Homes Grant)

Adopt a National Retrofit Strategy

The EAC wants a national retrofit strategy to be included within the Heat and Buildings Strategy, which would be developed with colleges and education providers to provide builders and installers with the skills they need to help make more homes low-carbon.

The government alluded to the introduction of such a strategy in itsEnergy White Paperin November, but has not revealed any additional information since.

Introduce Building Renovation Passports

Building renovation passports - which would provide a step-by-step renovation roadmap for homes-should be introduced to eventually replace Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), the EAC argues.

It says that building renovation passports have the potential to provide more accurate data on energy usage, and recommends the government develop an approved standardised methodology and data framework for the passports.

"This will give confidence to businesses that they can invest in upskilling and green jobs," said Dunne.

"This must be properly reflected in the system that assesses energy efficiency: EPCs are outdated and should be replaced with building renovation passports, which set a clear pathway to decarbonise homes."

Jack Woodfield
News Editor

Jack has worked in journalism for 11 years and is the News Editor for Homebuilding & Renovating, a role he has had since 2019. He strives to break the most relevant and beneficial stories for self builders, extenders and renovators, including the latest news on theconstruction materials shortage和氢加热。2021年,他出现在BBC的The World at One to discuss the government's planning reforms.

He enjoys testing new tools and gadgets, and having bought his first home in 2013, he has renovated every room and recently finished a garden renovation.